Wednesday, 4 October 2017

JAG Insanity - Introducing the characters

Introducing the Characters (for those who don't know JAG)

Phil Burrows - based off a RL friend of mine...
Former Sims Navy, Lieutenant Phil Burrows (retired): A former SimsNavy Naval Aviator flying the F-14 Tomcat...who has decided to find himself again after a traumatic blue-water accident that left him not all together there from PTSD.
Traits: Brave, Insane, Bookworm, Childish, Kleptomaniac
Tosh Nakamura
Commander Tosh "Animal" Nakamura, (retired): formerly a SimsNavy Naval Aviator and fighter squadron commander with the SimsNavy flying the F-14 Tomcat but now finds himself a happy angler and artist on the outside. Art and fishing bring him to his happy place.
Traits: Brave, Loves the Outdoors, Artistic, Virtuoso, Angler
Liandra Gracen - a longtime JAG fanfiction character my RL wife created - and my representation of the Sims game.
Liandra Gracen: Liandra has always been interested in the medical field so she decided to become a medical professional.
Traits: Hopeless Romantic, Bookworm, Family Oriented, Computer Whiz, Artistic

...and now, the ones that are familiar with people who have watched JAG the TV show.

Lieutenant Commander Harmon Rabb Jr. (retired) (David James Elliott): Following in his father's footsteps as a Naval Aviator, Lieutenant Commander Harmon Rabb Jr suffered a crash while landing his Tomcat on a storm-tossed carrier at sea. Diagnosed with night-blindness, Harm was given the choice between staying in a desk-job and finding his own way outside the Navy. Harm made his choice and went into law enforcement.

Traits: Brave, Loves the Outdoors, Good, Angler, Vegetarian.

Major Sarah "Mac" Mackenzie (Catherine Bell) Sims (Marine Corps retired) : Formerly with JAG in the SimsMarines, but now on the outside, she's decided to reinvent herself as a medical professional. Because of her abusive background, she has commitment issues.

Traits: Brave, Neurotic, Commitment Issues, Athletic, Ambitious

Meg Austin - Season 1 main character

Lieutenant Meg Austin (retired) (Tracey Needham): formerly with the SimsNavy JAG Corps now finding her niche in law enforcement on the outside.

Traits: Brave, Family-Oriented, Hopeless Romantic, Athletic, Computer Whiz

LCDR Jack Keeter - JAG Episodes "Smoked" Season 1 and "The Black Jet" Season 4 (played by Michael McGrady in the TV show)

Lieutenant Commander Jack "Keeter" Keeter: A former SimsNavy F-14 naval aviator, has decided to stay in the military, but he has a propensity to crash aircraft or plum let them fall into enemy territory so his superiors have decided to make him start back over again.

Traits: Brave, Athletic, Party Animal, Flirty, Loves the Outdoors

Legalman 2 Jen Coates (Zoe McLellan) (retired): formerly a thief in trade, who made good on the inside of the Sims Navy, she's now back to her shifty ways on the outside, however she has decided to go into law-enforcement to stay on the right side of the law. Still sometimes the sticky fingers tends to over-ride her self-restraint. Well...someone has to make quick money to support the household.

Traits: Brave, Family Oriented, Hopeless Romantic, Kleptomaniac, Athletic


This section of story is dedicated to the author's oldest boy: (named Chris) who turned 15 this year - they grow up all too quickly... to the younger audience in the forums: When you see your parents looking at you contemplatively with a glassy eyed you know...they're seeing the passage of time...and the fact that the little ones that they held in their arms are now teenagers growing up in to young adulthood.

Nikkei Simmer: Well, we moved out of our place for a while...while the whole lot was razed to the ground and rebuilt for the second time. After all, with the comprehensive landscaping and building that we had to do on the property there was no way that we could live on a section of our lot so we bought another property and lived on that while the construction was taking place.

The construction had to be done within eight months as Heather was due in month nine and we needed to have a roof over our heads by then. Suffice it to say, it was done in seven months and we had two leisurely months to set our house in order. But it left us with §11,000 and that wasn't a fun situation to be in, let alone wonder how much of a bill we were going to get twice a week and whether or not we were going to be able to pay it. Needless to say, Heather was making some good money with her painting, far more than what I was making fishing and as much as carrying our child, she was carrying the house along with it too. when I wasn't worrying about our bills, I was worrying about her condition and how much she had to do to keep our roof over our collective heads. Phil and Noel were stagnating in their positions and it seemed like their income was a trickle, as was mine, considering how much I had to fish to make a thousand simoleons.

But all too soon, we had something more to worry about: little Chris, our darling bundle of joy. He was a quiet little guy, rarely crying, but always with a ready grin on his face when he opened his eyes up from sleep and that toothless grin never failed hit right here in the chest. We wanted nothing more than to cocoon him from all of life's ills. But we knew all too well that it wasn't something that we could do or even if we did, it wouldn't benefit him as he needed to learn to walk his own path.

I tried to spend as much time as I could with him, whether it was cuddling him...or just being near him while I read through my fishing books trying to get an edge over those fish...and utilizing what baits I could to see if I could hook them at a much quicker rate than I was doing.

...and all too soon he turned into a little toddler with an insatiable curiosity for exploring the unlimited bounds of knowledge.

...and all I could do was look upon in wonderment as to how far he would go in his pursuit of it.

Happily Ever After and the Consequences of Woohoo.

Heather Lee: It was a wonderful wedding...we had a few of my friends attend but mostly it was just my friends and NS's "family" as we were closely knit. Since my friends were working, we couldn't do the wedding until after 6PM and they were all finished work. So most of the day was spent devoted to getting everything together so that it would be nice.

Evidently NS was just as pumped for the wedding as I was because he had this absolutely pie-eating grin on his face all day.

It was an absolutely casual wedding with not really any formality in the whole affair, but it was still a special occasion (we got married the way we wanted, with only our friends around us, as we exchanged rings and vows...

Our first kiss was magical.

And we couldn't stop gazing into each others eyes...

Cutting the wedding cake was quite the occasion since everybody was cheering and Molly French wouldn't stop throwing rice. I'm sure NS was appalled. "'re throwing perfectly good food around...good heavens."

Well, the wedding eventually fizzled out as the last guests left and we were left to our own devices (~smirk~ which of course found us in the bedroom upstairs which was a whole wonderful experience knowing that you're a married couple.).

Phil Burrows: I need to find myself a wonderful woman. ~sigh~ I'm older than NS...why did he get the first crack at getting married?

And my bedroom is right under I get the oh-so-joy of hearing him exercising Mr. Happy.

I'm sure they need to come up for air sometime...

Noel Allan: You know what, I think I'm just going to go out and milk the cow...and watch your dirty mind...that's not a euphemism. I'm just going out to MILK...the cow.

Heather Lee: Oh that wedding night was one to remember...but...the problem with too energetic enjoyment of one's matrimonial status... unforeseen consequences...

Daily Life

Phil Burrows: Hey, who left that big space rock in the middle of the kitchen?

Heather Lee: Well, I made my acquaintance with our new cow Bessie. She's big, friendly and she's always coming out of the barn to greet you when you come out to feed her. It's always nice to have fresh milk and having a barn with cows in it is a part of that. What's even nicer is that we can make our own cheese now instead of having to head down to the grocery store (The creator decided to make life tough on his Sims and put in a mod that disallowed "buying from fridge" Thanks AnisMods - now they have to go to the store to get the ingredients. :D )

NS and I can't seem to keep our hands off each other, it must be because the planned date is so close.

We moved into a big house that enabled us to have the entire top floor as our own private space only coming down to the kitchen to eat. It also allows me enough space to put as many easels as I need. My paintings are selling now at almost §3000 and I've achieved my Master of the Brush level in my self-employment career. I achieved Level 10 Painting Skill already.

Noel went out and got himself some milk from the cow to drink. Yes, the milk from the store comes pasteurized, but well, think of it as boosting our immune systems by drinking milk straight from the cow. And then he went back to writing his book. It seems as though the rest of the family is deciding to become writers to boost their income. I keep rolling wishes to write too, but I have too much to do with painting so they always get delayed. But unfortunately my lifetime wish means that I'm going to have to sit down at the computer and start writing too, Maybe when NS reaches the level that he needs to help support me in income with fishing and with the painting that he's started to do. With a house, you learn very quickly that you can't be the sole income earner in the family.

And of course, NS went out for a bike ride to his favorite fishing hole.

"Sunset Valley's The Place For Me..."

Nikkei Simmer: Well, the next day was back to the daily grind of providing for the family. It helped that Heather's paintings were pulling in a ton of money. She was selling them for over §2000 per painting and she was getting requests for commissioned artworks as well. I went out and fished.

...when I try to go fishing, I try to go out for as long a time as I can. That's where immunity to heat and immunity to cold comes in pretty hand. I've always loved summer and winter and the heat and cold don't bother me. Otherwise, I'd be ducking into the house every two hours for a shower and you know how blasted expensive the hydro bill is. I fished until dark, that day.

When I came home I checked on the mail and found out that Heather had run out of easel space so she decided that she was going to appropriate MY easel. :D Oh well, she's my betrothed so what's mine is hers (and what's hers is hers, I suppose ~smirk~)

Next morning brought the new hoarfrost on the grass; crystalized water droplets which outlined it and made it glisten in the morning sunlight, what could be seen through the light fog. Noel read a career book out front of the doors at City Hall after work and I headed down to the pawn-shop (consignment store) to see what I could pawn for some more simoleons.

I noticed that the leaves on the trees were in their fall colors as I cycled past enroute, but my mind was on the road as these Sims were all maniacs...running people over with mad abandon.

There had been rumors that Judy Bunch had been seen at the gym in Sunset Valley. Evidently those rumors were true, as I found out, while fishing. Ah...Sunset Valley...It has to be my favorite place to live (as a Sim).