Wednesday 4 October 2017

Welcome to my Archive Blog.

Hi, and welcome to Nikkei_Simmer's Archive post. Periodically my brain does a brain-fart and decides that it's going to reboot every single Sims 3 blog that I ever created - this time because of the fact that I used CMAR's Asian Faces sliders/skin morphs and made all my Asian named sims into actual asian-looking sims. Great, huh? Well, that blew hell out of the continuity of my story-lines so I pretty much have to blow up all my story-lines and make them ALL over again. Yay me...So where do I put all my stories to clear up space on my story blogs so that don't have to keep making blog after blog after blog. Well...into an archive blog (Ha ha ha...yeah...had to make ANOTHER blog).

Keep in mind that this blog is only for those story-lines that I have decided to reboot and continue.

Thanks for dropping by.

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