Wednesday, 4 October 2017

Daily Life

Phil Burrows: Hey, who left that big space rock in the middle of the kitchen?

Heather Lee: Well, I made my acquaintance with our new cow Bessie. She's big, friendly and she's always coming out of the barn to greet you when you come out to feed her. It's always nice to have fresh milk and having a barn with cows in it is a part of that. What's even nicer is that we can make our own cheese now instead of having to head down to the grocery store (The creator decided to make life tough on his Sims and put in a mod that disallowed "buying from fridge" Thanks AnisMods - now they have to go to the store to get the ingredients. :D )

NS and I can't seem to keep our hands off each other, it must be because the planned date is so close.

We moved into a big house that enabled us to have the entire top floor as our own private space only coming down to the kitchen to eat. It also allows me enough space to put as many easels as I need. My paintings are selling now at almost §3000 and I've achieved my Master of the Brush level in my self-employment career. I achieved Level 10 Painting Skill already.

Noel went out and got himself some milk from the cow to drink. Yes, the milk from the store comes pasteurized, but well, think of it as boosting our immune systems by drinking milk straight from the cow. And then he went back to writing his book. It seems as though the rest of the family is deciding to become writers to boost their income. I keep rolling wishes to write too, but I have too much to do with painting so they always get delayed. But unfortunately my lifetime wish means that I'm going to have to sit down at the computer and start writing too, Maybe when NS reaches the level that he needs to help support me in income with fishing and with the painting that he's started to do. With a house, you learn very quickly that you can't be the sole income earner in the family.

And of course, NS went out for a bike ride to his favorite fishing hole.

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