Nikkei Simmer: Holy crow, is it ever hot out here? Average temperatures around this place are roughly about 95 degrees lately and with our proximity to water, even the air has weight around here. It's like walking in a muggy humid oven. We decided to build a little lean-to so that we wouldn't be overheated by being outside painting. Can't fit an easel into a tent and the tent seems to be the only relief from the heat when you don't have a house. Man, it just feels gross walking around with rivulets of sweat pouring off your brow.
Heather Lee: For our own safety; after all nobody wants to end up becoming an ambulatory firestarter, we decided that we would skip doing money-making tasks until after dark when the temperatures were much cooler. We decided that today we would go to the Summer Festival and get some snow-cones and then return to the tent to rest for the night to come. I was surprised that the relative temperature of the area was supposed to get up to 98 during the daytime today. This is like an oven: you wouldn't think that the temperature would get that hot near the ocean. But then again, what do I know. I'm not a scientist, if I was, I'd be working for Geoffrey Landgraab and have no problem in being able to afford a house.
Nikkei Simmer: Well, in terms of scientific discovery, I did discover that garbage when left out in the sun when combined with food bits and particles of other matter that would constitute a biohazard, has a tendency to emit a smell that would gag a maggot. When I dove into the dumpster that night, my eyeballs crossed at the stench emanating from the morass that I found at the bottom of the dumpster. Yeah, it's disgusting, but the treasures found inside there allowed me to summon up the intestinal fortitude to keep doing that instead of running screaming into the night. Tell me something; does your stomach cringe at the thought of your fingers tighting around the carapace of a cockroach. Yeah...well, just multiply that by fifty thousand and that's pretty much what I had to deal with in order to get the treasures out.
Heather Lee: Remind me to tell my boyfriend that we need to put lights in this place? I can barely see what the heck I'm painting.
Nikkei Simmer: After repetitive dives into the "most noxious substances known to man" I decided that it was time to head home and take a nice shower so that I could smell and feel clean again. Good heavens, it feels like that glop got everywhere, even into cracks I don't even want to mention. ~shudders~ And I'll see cockroaches in my nightmares. They were everywhere. least it's nice to come home and see the fruits of our labour be translated into Simoleons that will go towards getting a new house built on our property. Oh...and at least we won't run the risk of overheating least not deliberately.
Heather Lee:'mere... Care to rock my world.
Nikkei Simmer: ~big grin~ Oh yeah...
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