Wednesday, 3 April 2024

Chapter Eight: "Ham and Pineapple Pizzas and Hell"

Haruo: "Stuck up Narrator..."

Haruo: "Don't care if the flark comes back or not."

Watcher: "Well, ya wouldn't shut up, eh."

Haruo: "Oh, take off, hoser."

Watcher: "Well Haruo went off in a snarl and hunted until dark as did River and Bebe. They were hoping that their next haul of plasma bugs along with the insects that Bebe was transmogrifying with the aid of the science center into plasma bugs would give them enough simoleons to put them over the edge. After all they needed to have a full starter house built before they could cut and sell off the rapidly mounting number of gemstones and metals that Franz had located for them. Meanwhile, Mitchell had found a vast number of insects which resulted in Haruo, River and Bebe having to get chests to store the stuff in; one for gemstones and metals, another for insects and yet another one for alchemic materials. They stored a lot of moonstone in that one. And once they were done, they came home and slept."

Watcher: "It was abundantly clear that they were exhausted after such a long hunt looking for various materials. In Bebe's dream, she was dreaming about how Haruo could potentially be a big teddy bear that she could cuddle up with."

Watcher: "...and River: she was dreaming about blocks which either meant that she thought Haruo was a blockhead or she has a fascination with building blocks. The Watcher can't tell which..."

Watcher: "...then it switched to red roses in a vase. I have no idea what that means. It could be that she is confused about what she wants. I'm no psychologist."

Watcher: "Morning brought a desire to go fishing for young Ms. McIrish, so River setout to go fishing at the pond just over a ways. She raised her skill level in fishing and caught a number of fish, which were scaly and cold and quite frankly, not to comfortable since goodness knows where they're putting that stuff considering that miniskirts (unless they have jean-skirts on, do not have pockets. No I'm not that omniscient...and I don't know what the heck they use their purses for. All I know is that my wife's purse weighs a metric carp-ton and I'm surprised I haven't thrown my deteriorating back out."

Haruo: "I think I'll bake myself a pizza. Good heavens, am I only allowed to make extra cheezy pizza, pepperoni pizza, and fully loaded pizza? What happened to the Greek and Hawaiian style pizzas?"

Watcher: "You are aware that Hawaiian pizza wasn't actually Hawaiian?"

Haruo: "Say what?"

Watcher: "No, really, some guy in Chatham Ontario came up with that. He essentially dropped a can of pineapple on top of a ham pizza and voila...thus was born the Ham n' Pineapple Hawaiian (but not Hawaiian) pizza.

Haruo: "Boy, that sounds like a really delicious pizza."

Watcher: "Heretic, the only true pizza is the fully loaded."

Haruo: "Snob."

Watcher: "Plebeian barbarian."

Watcher: "Thus the last hunt had put them over the top for enough plasma bugs to build onto their house and meet the achievement of building the minimum requirements to satisfy the initial quest of the challenge: to build a house using the proceeds of only plasma bugs. It would prove to be quite an achievement for the group.

Haruo, River and Bebe: "You're darned right it was an achievement. It as also a royal pain in the -...

Watcher: "You do realize that foul language is an affront to the Watcher."

Haruo, River and Bebe: "Oh, blow it out your left ear."

Watcher: "That's it, all three of you are going to hell."

Haruo: "We don't believe in the Sims."

Watcher: "Well, if you've seen some of the worlds that I've been thinking of cooking up, I'll create one and stick you three in it. You'll think hell all right."

River: "Really it couldn't be any worse than this challenge you've stuck us with..."

Bebe: "One guy and two girls...really...that was a flark move, y'know that?"

Haruo: "Heyyy!!!"

Watcher: "By the way...Fully loaded pizza is the holy grail and Ham and Pineapple pizza sucks."

Haruo: "I think I'll add my own ham and pineapple pizza to the mix here...fully loaded isn't fully loaded if you leave out pineapple. You Pretentious Pizza Prig."

Watcher: "primordial ooze."

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