Tuesday 2 April 2024

Chapter Five - Blessed by a Unicorn

JAG Insanity
with apologies to Donald Bellisario
DISCLAIMER: The characters Harm Rabb, Jr., Sarah "Mac" Mackenzie, Meg Austin, AJ Chegwidden, Bud Roberts, Harriet Sims-Roberts et al. belong (in concept if not name) to CBS/Bellisarius. Animal and all OC characters are the property of Heather and Hugo Chikamori. No profit is being made from this story, nor is any infringement intended.

Chapter Five - Blessed by a Unicorn

Honestly, it didn't seem as though anybody was interested in going to sleep in the slightest. They all stood around, ate or did something. I'm sure that they would probably collapse by the next morning. But what do you expect with sims that are insane?

After he'd eating his fill, Jack Keeter stood up again and stared into the darkness.

"I think it had whispered to him things about himself which he did not know, things of which he had no conception till he took counsel with this great solitude - and the whisper had proved irresistibly fascinating. It echoed loudly within him because he was hollow at the core." Tosh stated as he sat there looking at him from his chair as he munched placidly on some waffles.

"What?" Keeter asked.

"Heart of Darkness, Joseph Conrad." Tosh said simply.

Keeter stood there confused.

"Nothin' forget I said anything." Tosh grinned enigmatically.

Dam his Confucian sensibilities. Keeter thought to himself, How am I supposed to decipher his riddles, when he sits there grinning like a physically fit Buddha?

Haruo had to cook dinner that he could potentially use for left-overs for the next day because they were running out of waffles. So he decided to make some goopy carbonara.

Unfortunately, that didn't work out too well...

Haruo figured that his stomach was probably empty, so he opted to eat the last of the waffles and then try cooking again later.

When Haruo was done with eating, he forgot that he had to cook dinner and went over to fish at the pond across the street. Evidently, the Great Unicorn of Sunset Valley saw that Haruo was the most sane of the bunch and befriended him...showering his blessings upon Haruo, so he ended up looking like that vegan vampire in the sunlight out of that certain piece of literary (my mommy told me that if I had nothing good to say about something...to not say anything at all)...Yeah, all sparkly with out becoming a vampire. But anyways, it was nice to be able to have a unicorn as a friend.

Evidently the argument between Meg and Mac got personal, with each decrying each other's mental condition and Meg telling Mac that she was a conceited snob. Mac told Meg that she was a Ms. Goody-two-shoes who was playing toady to Harm.

Then still nettled, she went over and scared the living bejeepers out of Harm who didn't know what the hell just happened or what he did to deserve getting his pants scared off.

Meg, Tosh and Kimber were the recipients of Mac's animosity which didn't go over too well. Mac was just dang lucky that she was no longer in the Marines or she'd be hoisted with her petard and shot over the ramparts towards Central Park in Sunset Valley. It was either that or a Article 89 from the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Yeah, Mac, you're walking a very thin line here.

And Phil was having an animated argument with the kitchen sink; does he ever quit?

...and Tosh nearly threw up his guts when Lia showed him a gross video. Yeah, that'll go over well with the contents of his stomach. I'll be surprised if they ever manage to get a roof over their heads. It's sure gonna be cold this winter.

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