Tuesday, 2 April 2024

Jamie Becomes an Adult and Other Things

It wasn't long before Jamie celebrated his 20th birthday. A cake and an early morning celebration was had before Mom had to head to work and Katharine had to head for school.

Katharine had her share of Jamie's cake while her father cooked up some more food in the kitchen.

Ranger, being an independent little kitty loved to get up on the kitchen counter. Ranger...darn it, you're going to get your litter-laden pawprints all over the kitchen counter. Thanks for making more work for Tosh...


Haruo wasn't the only one who played piano in the household. So did Jamie. Jamie had gotten to Grade 5 piano...but really would have preferred to just play for his own enjoyment.

Katharine after finishing up work (a temporary thing for one day), she did her homework just outside of the restaurant before heading home.

Ranger just loved his cat tree; whether it was the smell or what, the rest of the family didn't know, but Ranger would curl up in the most unusual positions to sleep on the tree. Well, whatever worked for the fur-brat.

Late Night saw that Main Street of Appaloosa Plains was quiet. I'm sure that the fact that City Hall and the Police Department being on Main helped too. No maniacs riding their horses at break-neck speed down the main thoroughfare either.

Morning brought the school bus to the front door and Katharine rode the bus all the way into town so that she could get to school on time.

Ranger decided to do some scratching on the cat-tree which conveniently had scratching posts directly attached. How convenient for him.

When Ranger was tired of doing that he hopped up on the couch and sat down beside his best friend.

Meg came home from work...and headed directly over to Ranger picking him up and cooing at him, "Awwwww...whose a cute widdle kitty...? Awww...is he been a good little boy today?"

"Y'know...I could scratch the furniture..."

Haruo did spend some time practicing piano...just because they were able to afford a semi-decent baby-grand piano.

...then it was time for everyone to go to sleep...

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