Tuesday 2 April 2024

Tales of Evil Haruo - Wreaking Havoc in Sunset Valley

Evil_Haruo was a nasty soul, if he could kick a dog or abuse a cat, he would, but more than anything else, he liked to inflict suffering on other sims. Evil, Inappropriate, Mean-Spirited, those were the key things that enabled him to be able to overcome anyone with relative ease, whether it was verbally or pounding them into the ground.

If there was one phrase with which to describe him, it was: Does not play well with others. and that was the truth if there ever was.

But of course, Sunset Valley was a nice comfy little place. It was a sleepy little town with not much happening. And when Evil_Haruo happened upon that little place, he was certain to enjoy turning that sleepy little town inside out. Nothing happened very often in Sunset Valley; kids went to school, adults went to work and the sun rose in the morning and set in the afternoon...BUT...that was soon to change once Evil_Haruo came to town.

It just so happened that the very first guy that he came across was that little weasel by the name of Xander Clavell. Haruo's eyes glinted menacingly. He didn't like little punks with their gangsta-lids facing every which way but forwards. He wanted nothing more than to smash Xander Clavell's face so darned hard that it spun his head around that the cap faced forwards, but Haruo smirked, the dip was minding his own business...so he figured that he'd mind his own; for the moment.

He had to go and make some money so that he could keep that roof over his head. He'd bought into the Monotone, just up the street from the Recreation Centre, so he decided well, why not try a bit of binning to see what he could get. Outside of a few pieces of furniture which he promptly sold to passers-by, he got himself a nasty case of upset stomach, presumably from the smell. It never hurt to have a cold when one was upending oneself in the waste-receptacle to try to find the gems in the goo.

Of course, he was rudely interrupted by Buster Clavell who was tapping his feet on the pavement. Normally that didn't annoy Evil_Haruo, but he wasn't feeling very chipper and he had a massive chip on his shoulder after being headfirst in bio-gunk and thrown out garbage and who the bleeping hell threw in a diaper on top of that. That didn't make him very happy at all so Buster's toe-tapping was the final straw. Heaving himself out of the bin, he gave Buster a stony glare, "You got a problem or something? Old-timer!" he spat out an epithet.

"Listen, punk..." Buster blustered, "You've been hogging the bin all day, you wanna let someone else have a chance?"

Evil_Haruo smirked, "What's an old man like you binning? Your retirement not pay you enough?"

"That's none o' yer business, you little piece of cow-pie." Buster snapped and that was the last thing that Buster should have done. Because after smelling a bunch of cowpies and other ghastly smelling objects in the bin, Haruo snapped.

He thoroughly slapped the carp out of Buster Clavell...

...which pretty much provoked a major fist-fight of which Haruo, being evil and mean-spirited, handily won. "Normally I don't beat on geriatric men, but for you, I'll make an exception" he snarled, "I'd highly suggest you get out of my face."

Nobody in the back alley parking lot of the grocery store said anything out of the ordinary, because after all no-one really noticed the two arguing near the dumpster.

However, still nettled after the fight with Buster Clavell, Evil_Haruo decided that he was going to pick on Gobias Koffi, telling him that he was a runty, incompetent piece of dung. Gobias didn't know what the heck happened, since all he was doing was taking a short-cut to the grocery store in order to get some food so that he could cook himself some dinner.

If there was one thing that Gobias learned that night, it was Don't cross Evil_Haruo's path.

Evil Haruo when he went home realized that he didn't have anything to eat in the fridge and since he didn't have enough cooking skill to cook something without burning it and wasting food, he decided to splurge and go to Hogan's Diner to eat. After all, it was great to have it within a reasonable amount of distance so he wouldn't have to waste large amounts of money.

Of course, he just had to run across Buster Clavell again. He opted to just ignore the ingrate and went over to nap on a bench.

The next morning, he opted to buy a bicycle and then go steal some vegetables out of that miserable lout, Gobias Koffi's garden. After all, why not. Get in Evil_Haruo's way and he would run you over.

After that, he went over to the Outstanding Citizens Warehouse (in otherwords, the criminal hangout) to go and pick off some of their vegetables. After all, if the Kingpin wanted to cross swords with him, Haruo was more than willing to go toe-to-toe with him. No questions asked.

After he was done, he decided that he needed to check out the Sunset Valley Library...

Perhaps he could find some skill books.

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