New Narrator: Fat lot of help you were, Haruo. Anyways...River, on the night of the full moon, was out selling a painting...when her transformation took place. Luckily it was a deserted strip of shops since most everyone had gone home to eat...and the shopkeepers were just counting their floats and tills; so no-one ended up dropping a smelly biological load in their trousers or pants... whatever the case may be.
New Narrator: Haruo, being at home, scared the living bejesus out of the cows. Nice going there, Haruo...
Haruo: At least it wasn't Angus beef...might have soured the meat. Hey maybe we might get sour cream from these Holsteins.
Mutt One: What would happen if I stuck my head in the garbage can?
Cat: I want fish.
River: You just had to get a small table, didn't you...?
Haruo: Hey don't look at me, you're the one who told me to save money!
Bebe: Haruo, you probably don't want to piss her off any more than you're doing right now...
Haruo: Why?
Bebe: Because it's a full moon and she's a werewolf
Haruo: Yeah, we're all werewolves.
Bebe: ...and two words...Aunt Flo.
Haruo: OH SHIT!
Haruo: Yeah, I'm going collecting tonight, See ya.
River: Chicken...
New Narrator: After returning from the gemstone and metal collecting, Haruo decided head for the basement and stay there for the rest of the night. It might not be wise for him to pop his head up stairs for fear of River eviscerating him. Then again, that might be amusing to watch.
Haruo: "Shut up, Narrator. Hey Watcher, when we going to get a fridge downstairs here anyways?
Watcher: Zzzz...huh..what? No...
New Narrator: Next morning Haruo headed over to the elixir shop to consign some gems and smelted metals.
N ew Narrator:...and River took a long moment to reconsider her stance on Haruo.
River: Hey, after all, he's the only game in town at the moment and the Watcher did say that to go forth and multiply.
Watcher: Wait a second, I did? Hey now we're getting somewhere...
River: oh...shut up!!!
River: Hey, Haruo...y'know. I haven't really been giving you a chance, have I?
Haruo: Uh...well...
River: Um...y' really aren't half-bad...
Haruo: Um, thanks, I think...
Haruo: ~gulp~
River: ...uh...go forth...and uh...multiply...
Haruo: Um. one times one is one... one times two is two, one times three...
River: Not that kinda multiply, ya dope!
River (hugs Haruo and purrs): This...kind of multiply...
Watcher: this is getting interesting...
Haruo and River (both): Shut up, Watcher!
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