Tuesday, 2 April 2024

Chapter One - Just Me and My Dog

Week One, Day One:

You know you never know just what you'll discover when you go trekking into the wilderness. It's not something that you expect, that you'll run across a sleepy little town in the middle of nowhere. But that's what happened. There were tales about this place, lost in the annals of history, but passed down by word of mouth from father to son. Whispers of things that were too strange to be true. Rumors about the supernatural and undead. There were strange things done under the moonlight and you didn't know who was what. And well, if it wasn't for the fact that I had my dog, Samson, with me, I'da just kept on going. But frankly, this wasn't the kind of place where you'd be able to get out of in a day, unless we had a car. So it seemed like we were stuck here for the foreseeable future until we could get one. Who knew what was lurking in those woods and it wasn't something that I wanted to chance; Rottweiler as my companion or not.

We needed to play smart if we were going to survive to get out of this place. It had been said that humans came here and they left the town only one way...as a corpse or if they survived they never left. That was reassuring. I wondered what I was getting into and whether or not Samson and I would be safe. Well, just so long as we made it into the town during daylight so that we could set up our tent and make sure that we were secure. I did have my rifle and handgun and I knew how to use them, but those that made their home here, had supernatural speed and strength and I didn't know if we could react quickly enough to mount a defence of our selected place. We only could hope that if it came down to that; that we were strong enough to withstand that attack.

Samson has always been a good tracker. He's nosed out valuable items before but this was a new place and one that we've never been to before. This means that Samson is out of his zone. And it means that he's going to have to figure out where the gemstones are; it'll be his first time tracking them and the key to our safety and security. I don't want to live in a tent surrounded by fencing for a long time. I'm liking the area if it weren't for the supernatural element. I'm always looking over my shoulder wondering if there's something that I've missed that might be dangerous to us.

Samson's a loyal Rottie, from the time that I got him as a pup, we've been inseparable. He's the type that will defend me to the death. And frankly, he's the only one that I trust around these parts.

I don't know these people - I have no clue what they're like and the last thing I want is to be turned into an occult that I don't know about. The vampires are the undead and I've heard that they live around these parts. They're constantly at war with the werewolves. The weres are still alive but they're supernatural with inhuman speed and strength. You don't want to get into a scrap with one of those. Then I've heard about fairies and witches. I haven't the slightest clue about them. And there are a few humans scattered amongst the occult. But we don't know who they are or whether they will disclose themselves as that will make them instant prey.

I could see the weather was about to change and there was a distinct cold in the air even though it was only the last ten days of summer. It warned me that I should be on my guard and it sent a chill down my spine. Samson and I were alone and exposed. We could be easy pickings for vampires and I was fresh out of silver bullets unless I found silver lying around that I could smelt into bullets. Evidently they killed werewolves - all it took was one round through the heart. And there was plenty of wood for stakes. But I sure as hell didn't want to get up close and personal with the undead vampires here. Because all it took was one graze of the fangs and I'd be converted into one of the blood-siphoning undead.

One of the first things that I did was go to Aleister's Elixir Shop. I was hoping to track down some gem-dust and a witch that could help me transfigure that gem-dust into actual gemstones. Since I knew the true value of those gemstones, I could get some decent simoleons to get us under a roof before fall. Most of the occult that I knew, who were witches, lived closeted lives. They didn't want their little secret to get out and I respected that. I had no beef with them. They helped me with a few things, I helped them and well, we mutually benefitted from that interaction. The good thing was that I found ruby gem-dust. That goes for a fortune when transfigured into a gemstone.

I've always been a traveller and I come back with weird things and sometimes I find out that those things are magical. In that case, I ask them what it is...whether they can make use of it and then do a transaction. So, yeah, sometimes the occult and humans can get along. But I'm not going to take chances with someone I don't know. That's why I have my AR-15 and my Glock 17. Until I know them and their inclination. If they're hostile, they get incapacitated and then eliminated.

We had the tent, we had the firepit and all I needed was some fish to go along with it. So I decided to go do some fishing. In all my travels I'd never even tried to hook a fish. I guess I'd always been able to have just enough money to get myself a bite to eat at any restaurant or cafe and well, I've had no need to fend for myself. I was getting a crash course in self-sufficiency. Samson had come back from trying to find some items but he hadn't had much luck. I had enough simoleons so I filled his bowl full of food and then headed off to get some fishing done. Hey, I may not be proficient at fishing, but there's no better time to learn. Unless I really wanted to feel what hunger and starvation was like.

As night fell, I took a big risk and headed out to get some groceries. We bought an outdoor grill with the money from the ruby gemstone and some countertops so I could actually cook. I ran into what appeared to be two weres from their glowing eyes. I kept a watchful eye out, out of the corner of my eye. It always paid to be vigilant, after all, the last thing you want is to end up as a were-snack. I'd also bought a bike earlier so that I could get around town without emptying my wallet of twenty simoleons every single time I needed to go anywhere.

After I got back from the grocery store, luckily intact, I went ahead and started grilling the hot-dogs that I'd bought from there. Unfortunately my first attempt went into the garbage bin. My second attempt wasn't much better but since I'd only bought two rounds of hot-dogs, I had to stomach the food. The only thing that was in the fridge for a quick meal was Brain Freeze ice-cream and well, you know what happens if you eat that. It's a fifty/fifty chance that you could end up become an undead zombie. That wasn't my idea of a fun gambling choice. I'll stick to the horrifying quality hot dogs.

Week One; Day Two

Spent most of the day in the tent ruing my consumption of the horrifying quality hot-dogs. Trust me, it's not something you really want to do. When your stomach is doing the Jarabe Tapatio and adding some flips in for good measure, it's not a fun time. Luckily I had decided to put in a toilet and shower too, so periodically between moaning and groaning in my sleeping bag from the stomach cramps of near food-poisoning, I made several panic-inducing runs to the washroom, to empty the contents of my stomach or sit on the can and drop a bomb-load that would gag a maggot.

Yeah, so no pictures...

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