I got out of the taxi...and as the driver was just about to head off...I felt the familiar Buzz which meant that another Immortal was close by. I was on edge, since the last one to try to take my head nearly succeeded. My hand reached in my trench coat, finding the reassuring hilt of my katana, hidden in the folds of the garment. At least I knew I was safe, for now.
" I know you're here..." I called out, "You can show yourself."

I sensed the other Immortal walking out from behind the bushes. Even without turning around, I knew who it was. Every immortal has his own identifying Buzz. "Your English has improved, Katsuo."
"Three centuries will do that to anyone...who doesn't speak English..." I replied. "...so what brings you to Bridgeport, Methos..."
"Oh...just checking up on friends..."
"So we're friends, now, huh?" I said suspiciously. Methos, the oldest of the Immortals, was 'in it for himself'. He didn't usually stick his head out for anyone. This usually meant that something was going to go down.

"Oh, there's at least a dozen wanting to try to take your head; I just don't happen to be one of them. Besides, if I lose my head trying to take yours, I'll lose out on years of research I could be doing." Methos' tone was sarcastic.
"Nice to know you have your priorities straight...so where's your tag-along?"
"Which one?"; nice answer. "I have a few friends...but I don't keep them too close."

"Cut to the chase, Methos, I'm not here to beat around the bush."
"I've been doing some research on Taira...He's taken quite a few heads recently. That puts him on a level that's way higher than yours. Duncan's here...he's busy nosing around to see if he can dig up anything."
Well, that was reassuring. So the oldest Immortal on the books had been looking into who wanted my head. "Haven't seen Taira for a long time. If he's come to Bridgeport, there is only one person whose head he wants and that's mine. Figures he'd pick this time to show up. It's the three hundred and sixty fourth anniversary of the Battle of Kagoshima, the battle where the both of us had our first deaths. I would be very careful around him, Methos. He's an opportunistic *******d and he won't hesitate to take yours or Duncan's heads while he's after mine."

"Be careful, Methos. I'm not kidding, Kogen is dangerous. He's got no scruples. Mortal or Immortal; anyone who gets in his way...is dead. Warn Duncan. If he noses around too much, he'll unearth the dragon.
"Well...that's a one hell of a cautionary tale..."
I wasn't sure if Methos was sarcastic or not, so I decided to press the point. "Warn Duncan...don't look too hard for Taira...and I mean it."

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