It's not how fast you make your move, but calculating when to make the move. I decided to see what the web said about this town. After all, you can never get enough dirt on the citizens. Because that's what you can leverage to get your way. If you really want to inflict some pain, air someone's dirty little secret and see how fast they crumble. No, it's not nice, but well, who said that I had to be nice? Any advantage is an advantage and well, I intend to stake my claim on this town.

As it turns out, this out-of-the-way place wasn't far enough out of the way. Because I wake up in the morning to go out and feed my chickens; collect their eggs and milk the cows and I find someone in my backyard, trespassing on my property. Just what I needed. Asked her who the hell she was thinking that she could walk onto my property any old time she wanted. Evidently she had a lot of money, so she thought she could do anything she pleased.

Well, she certainly found out differently after I told her off. My property may not be fenced, but it's in a remote location for a reason. And that reason is that I don't want anybody nosing around my business unless it's someone I've given express permission to do so. So yeah, Agnes, I ain't given you permission to be on my property, Sod off!
Decided that it was time for me to start sticking feelers into the town and went over and bought up shares in several businesses. The income will be useful down the road. But gemstones are my racket at the moment. A few inobstrusive cuts that gets rid of the defects in the gemstone will jack up the price incredibly high, so a few sales of those gemstones bought me my Lambo. I'm not one for ostentatious displays of wealth but occasionally, I'll stick it to the snobs in Sunset Valley. Frankly, when they see me driving the Huracan down the road, they know it's a car that they'll never be able to afford in their wildest dreams, because as expensive as the Margaret Vaguester is §105,000, the Huracan is §1.8M; far above what any of them make or could even dream of saving up for.

I'm well off...comfortable...and able to have whatever I want, when I want. It's a matter of pushing the right buttons and making the right contacts. Then I'll go about making this little town my own. It's amazing just how quickly doors open when you grease a few palms with a couple thousand simoleons in graft. People say that I'm ruthless, but that's where the money lies. If you can't stand the heat, then stay out of the firepit.

The next day brought with it some rain. Luckily my all-season high-performance low aspect tires managed to cut through the rain soaked roads with ease. I had things to do and the weather wasn't going to stop me from going out. I had places to go and people to see, namely, those who I was going to graft some money to to make certain that I got first dibs on buying up their property. After all, when it comes down to it. If I have the whole town in my pocket, then when the developers come knocking, I make all the money.

And there was always time to grab a bite to eat at the local greasy spoon. And hey, as part-owner of that greasy spoon, it means that my meals are gratis. Gotta take the perks where you can. I've been hearing noises that Nick Alto is getting perturbed that shares are being bought up. So's the Landgraabs. Well, when it comes down to it, you snooze, you lose. Tough beans. And the whining and complaining...well, it just meant that I was doing everything right. It meant that I was cornering the wealthiest in Sunset Valley and making them nervous. Good.

They'll see my hand alright, but only when it's too late...
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