Tuesday 2 April 2024

Torturing Sunset Valley Sims

Make no mistake, Evil_Haruo was not the friendliest person in the world...wait...that's not even correct. He's pretty much as much of an donkey's hind-end as one could get. When he got to the library, he proceeded to lambaste Dustin Langerak for getting in his way. Nobody, if they were wise, got in Evil_Haruo's way.

It wasn't wise to get in Haruo's way. Nosirree.

Evil_Haruo snarled, "Get out of my way...miserable goat-turd." as he barrelled through the door.

"What did you say to me?" Dustin snapped back. That was the wrong thing to say to Evil_Haruo.

...because the next thing that Dustin knew he was getting a knuckle duster from Evil_Haruo as he ended up crashing to the floor.

Dustin fought back valiantly, but to of no avail. Evil_Haruo was stronger, meaner and more willing to cheap-shot him in order to win. There was no way that Dustin could win with the Marquess de Queensberry rules. And lights went off in his skull as Evil_Haruo brought a battering ram of a fist upside his head.

Nope, Dustin ended up on the ground clutching his head and back as he moaned from the intense pain that Evil_Haruo had inflicted on him during the course of their fisticuffs. "Ha ha...ain't so smart-mouthed after all, are ya..." Evil_Haruo taunted him.

Dustin swore there were canaries flying around his head chirping as Evil_Haruo had hit him hard enough to make his teeth rattle.

Afterwards, Evil_Haruo went over to the park in order to find himself something to eat - he was after all getting hungry and well, why spend money when there were always picnic baskets to enjoy.

After all, if he didn't have to spend any money to eat, he'd be able to spend that money towards improving his home.

Of course his meal was interrupted by Gus Hart making a nuisance out of himself...and well, Evil_Haruo didn't like having his meal interrupted, so he went over and let Gus Hart know that if he didn't shut his mouth, that Evil_Haruo would shut it for him. "Hey, bud, you think I want to listen to your yammering about conspiracies? If you don't be quiet, I'm going to ram my fist down your throat..."

Well, Gus replied, "What's it to you...jack-mule...". Nope that wasn't wise, because the next thing that happened was Evil_Haruo's fist colliding with Gus Hart's face. Oh happy day, for Evil_Haruo; oh painful day for Gus. Too bad for him, he should have kept his mouth shut.

He also got into a fight with Boyd Wainright which made Evil_Haruo extremely happy since he loved picking on scientists. In fact he beat him up so badly, that Boyd had to go get himself checked over at the hospital. Oopsies.

Of course, his enjoyment of other's suffering was heightened when Beau Andrews got hit by lightning out of the blue - a true bolt from the blue, it was. Just seeing him, arms splayed out, half suspended in air made Evil_Haruo cackle with endless enjoyment.

After all, what was more enjoyable than making other sims suffer.

Well, at least for right now, Evil_Haruo couldn't think of anything more enjoyable than that.

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