Wednesday 3 April 2024

Chapter Seven: "As I Was Saying!"

Narrator: Well, in the little town of Moonlight Falls, the three sims and two pets decided that they were going to add on to their little home and make things comfortable for themselves. So that's exactly what they did. And they had made themselves comfortable but until they had fulfilled the rest of the requirements: three bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom (one was good enough to fulfill the requirements, but it would be advisable for them to actually have more than one since it would prevent lineups, pee-pee dancing and other fine associated events such as incessant questions such as: "Are you friggin' done in there yet?") separate dining room, living room and a place to store their stuff that they used on a regular basis. Right now it was only one floor but the three were seriously considering adding on to the building.

River: (looking at paper) "Hey, Narrator, what did the Watcher mean by Go Forth and Multiply?." I didn't catch the meaning.

Watcher: ~facepalm~

Narrator: "Why do you always leave me the hard explanations?"

Watcher: "Because. I'm just a figment of these sims' imaginations. They can't see me but they know that I'm there governing their every action. By the way, I haven't had the opportunity in a while to fry the Frios with a good lightning strike I need to pay them a visit."

Narrator: "So, Well, River...Go forth and multiply means that you procreate with the male of the species.

River: "Eewwwwww!!!"

Watcher: "But don't worry. You still have time to go in searching for plasma bugs yet. It doesn't have to be a quick thing."

Narrator: (coughs) As I was saying, Haruo was raiding the neighbours garden to harvest little grey squares (which is what happens when you have a computer that doesn't generate things very quickly). Presumeably he got some vegetables out of the hassle.

Haruo: "I think those were grapes."

Narrator: "Whatever.As I was saying..."

Haruo: "Yup. I remember now, those were grapes."

Narrator: "Do you mind? I'm trying to tell a story here?"

Haruo: "Oh...sorry, eh."

Narrator: "Sheesh...Haruo was riding his bike home after picking vegetables and fruits."

Narrator: "...and he would later get the urge to transform as would River and Bebe. Of course, poor Bebe saw her own transformation in the mirror and well...y'know what happened next."

All except for Bebe: "No we don't know what happened next."

Watcher: "So what did happen, Narrator?"

Haruo: "Aren't you omnipotent and All-Knowing, Watcher?"

Watcher (thinks a minute): "yeah, I am, aren't I? I should know that...she passed out..."

Haruo, River and Bebe look skeptically at the Watcher (or where they think the Watcher is).

Watcher: "Just needed to think for a minute there...uh...y'know...side-effects of the shot, my memory's a bit fuzzy."

All (except the Watcher): "You got a shot?"

Haruo: "Ugh, I hate those things. they use a great big needle...attached to an injection thing the size of a caulking gun..."

Watcher: "No, really, it's not that's a really itty bitty needle. y'know. Didn't feel a thing, othe rthan the general low-grade fever and feeling of malaisse. Second day was the worst."

River: "Hey...waitaminute...there's more than one of you?"

Bebe: "You mean to say that this is a polytheistic society not monodeistic that we're worshipping?"

Watcher (hastily): "uh......Hey, Narrator, go on with the story. It lies beyond your train of understanding...Um...Watcher works in mysterious ways...or something like that..."

All: discontented murmurs.

Narrator (irritated cough): "As I was saying, if I can continue! They all got the urge to transform.

Narrator: "...and hunt for gemstones and other things that they could potentially find."

Haruo: "Aroooooooooo!!!!"

Narrator (rolls eyes): ~cough~ "...and plasma bugs"

Watcher: "It would have sounded otherworldly if it wasn't for that coughing fit at the end."

Haruo: "Y'think you can do better, eh?"

Narrator (throws script in the air and walks off): "I'm done, they won't quit interrupting!"

All: "Gee, what crawled up his poo-hole and died?"

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