Tuesday, 2 April 2024

Daily Chores

Fair Winds and Following Seas

Daily Chores

There was no end to chores for Tosh, since Meg was working on the force at Appaloosa Plains working long shifts, she didn't have much time to help out on chores. So when it came to laundry for he and Meg, well, he had to do it. And the kids did theirs. That way they were able to keep laundry from piling up too much. Laundry was pretty much a weekly chore while Haruo tried to figure out how to landscape certain features on the property that he wanted to have.

When Tosh wasn't too busy with having to deal with the daily tasks and landscaping around the house, he tried to get more skilled with cooking, which involved a lot of reading the skill book and cooking the meals so that the kids and Meg had plenty of leftovers.

Jamie enjoyed tinkering at the workbench; and of course Tosh put in a shower and a toilet in the above-garage workshop so that Jamie wouldn't accidentally set himself on fire and end up burning himself to death.

Admittedly, the lot looked rather bare-bones and frankly it didn't seem as though Tosh had done much, but it would certainly look a lot better down the road. Maybe some ideas would hit eventually...but for right now, Tosh concentrated on skilling up on his cooking.

Since it was fall, Tosh had to rake up leaves and when the leaves were in a sufficiently large pile...well, it was time to burn them. Tosh had to cook dinner so Jamie watched over the burning leaves to make sure the fire didn't spread.

When Katharine came home, she went downstairs and worked out on the weight machine. She needed to have the strength to lift things. Whoever got to be heir would be taking care of the property and well...it certainly was not going to be a good thing if she wasn't able to be physically able to do the grunt-work around the house and the property if she was chosen.

Well, once everyone was home, dinner was cooked and eaten, and Katharine had done her homework, well, everyone went to bed.

Morning brought a chipmunk into the yard...dammit!!! Those thing bite, as Haruo found out.

Well, that will teach Tosh to touch the wildlife.

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