Wednesday 3 April 2024

Chapter Six: "Hallelujah, A Roof"

Chapter Six: "Hallelujah, A Roof"

Watcher: It appeared as though several days of running around like chickens with their heads cut off warranted a purchase of building materials that allowed the three humans and dog and cat to finally put a roof over their head. Which meant that was well over 24 plasma bugs which at a price tag of §4400 a bug pretty much bankrolled the whole house. Of course it didn't help that Haruo, being slightly brain-dead from lack of sleep sold the girls' tents out from under them. It was surprising he didn't get castrated for that alone.

Bebe set about increasing their family fortunes by working on her science skills and eventually mastered it and thus ended up pummelling innocent insects' carapaces with radiation which eventually turned them into plasma bugs.

Bebe: "Oh my God, we're going to be RICH!"

River: "Well, it's certainly nice that we are no longer in the elements trying to keep from being attacked by those disgusting vampires. I mean, who would want to get their blood sucked by those undead things. Really..."

Watcher: "You realize the tough part of the game is coming up..."

River: "What do you mean, Watcher."

Watcher: "Well, remember the other part of the rules? Y'know...Go Forth and Multiply?

River: "Well...shit!"

Watcher: "Well, Bebe, tired of the doesn't like technology moodlet decided to take matters into her own hands with regards to getting rid of it. She decided to give herself a whole new personality with the brain machine or whatever the hell this is, you expect me to keep track of every name in this game? What do you think I am, Dictionaries R'Us?

Bebe: "Oh cool, a really cool machine. I can learn so much from this thing. It even has a setting to give me knowledge just by sitting on my buttend and letting it change my brain-waves.

Watcher: "You also know that it has a capacity to toast your brain too?

Bebe: "Well...shit..."

Bebe: "Well, at least it didn't toast my brain that time...and hey look, no adverse moodlets when I go to use the science station. Yippee..."

Watcher: "Well...ain't that just fine n' dandy, Skippy."

Narrator: Meanwhile the Watcher was bored out of his mind so He decided to give one of the MacDuffs a good jolt.

Watcher: "Yeah, I was bored. Don't know if it was Joe, Jules or Flint, don't care either. Whichever way it was hysterically funny."

??? MacDuff: "No it wasn't..."

Watcher: "Shut up or you'll get it again..."


??? MacDuff: ~groan~ "Ow..."

Haruo: "Still can't afford to get any crummy furniture... The Watcher's still got me going into dumpsters to get furniture. We're still having to trade in plasma bugs for simoleons."

Watcher: "Nag nag nag... you've got a roof over your head so you're not getting rained on. You don't get to sell your stuff until you build three bedrooms (one for each of you, a kitchen, a separated dining room, a living room and a bathroom plus someplace to keep your junk in."

Haruo: "Oh for heaven's sakes...we'll be at this until first snowfall.

Watcher: "Could be worse, you could still be in a tent."

Bebe: "Hey, I got level 10 Mastery in Science...and I've transmutated ten plasma bugs.

Watcher: ~smug grin~ "As I was saying..."

Watcher: " might want to take a shower when you get back home."

Haruo: "Oh do shut up!"

Later on that Night

Alien: "House?"

Franz: "Who the hell are you?!"

Narrator: "At least our little ad hoc family is now encased in a house of their own...and hopefully in the next few days of plasma bug transmutation and hunting they will have th opportunity to complete their little abode.

Haruo, River, Bebe, Mitchell and Franz: "When can we finish with hunting for plasma bugs...we're tired, Narrator!"

Watcher: " wanna have me institute a rule of ONLY plasma bugs for the rest of the game? If not, shut up!"

Haruo, River, Bebe, Mitchell and Franz: "shit."

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