River: "You know, Haruo...like I said, you're not half-bad. And I think I could get to like you a lot. Y'know what they say about this challenge, right? Since we've built the house...thanks to all these plasma bugs that Bebe mutated with radiation, we can now start creating the next generation.
Haruo: "Next generation of what?"
River: "Oh my god...you're dense."
Haruo: "I dunno...what...the next generation of plasma bugs?"
Narrator: "Anybody else up for it?"
Haruo: "Here, have some flowers... I promise, no bees."

River: "oh...how nice...why thank you. So...big stud-muffin...what do you look like with your shirt off?"
Narrator: "Yeah, I'm going to go play on the computer...enjoy yourselves." (resumes narrating)"...and that's how Haruo and River...managed to start off the next...round of little ones...Hey...you two mind keeping it down in there? I'm trying to do my job here."
Bebe: "Well, at least breakfast is good...and it didn't come out burned. I think Haruo's cooking skills are getting better."
Cat: "Meow...mrrrow..." (translation) "Do I really have to go out to hunt for plasma bugs today? I'm really not feeling well."
Narrator: "I don't know...but you might end up as stew...if you don't..."
Haruo: "Hey, I heard that. I don't eat cats..."
"...or dogs either" (Author's note: I'm Asian, I can make that joke)
Narrator: "After some glorious moments...Haruo headed over to the elixir shop where he met up with the proprietor who had some nice flow happening; business in the front; party in the back - but hey, consigning one's rocks was the order of the day. Now that they didn't have the limitation of selling just plasma bugs to the science center; they'd be doing OK."
Proprietor: "You got HOW many rocks? Geez, what? You collect them all until now? (aside) I think I'm going to have to start putting a limit on how many rocks he can consign at once. Oh well, just so long as there's buyers for them."
River (at home): "Well...that was fun..."
Narrator: "Look, lady, I'm just here to narrate this story. I don't want to know all the gory details!"
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