Tuesday 2 April 2024

Chapter Two - Is Anyone Getting Any Work Done?

JAG Insanity
with apologies to Donald Bellisario
DISCLAIMER: The characters Harm Rabb, Jr., Sarah "Mac" Mackenzie, Meg Austin, AJ Chegwidden, Bud Roberts, Harriet Sims-Roberts et al. belong (in concept if not name) to CBS/Bellisarius. Animal and all OC characters are the property of Heather and Hugo Chikamori. No profit is being made from this story, nor is any infringement intended.

Chapter Two - Is Anyone Getting Any Work Done?

With several water balloon fights going on, one could say that the grass was getting a good watering and no-one other than Haruo and the dog and the cat were doing anything constructive.

Jen Coates was busy talking to the time-portal; it wasn't going well. It doesn't say much. Kind of emits a rather incessant, irritating hum...sort of like Glenn Gould.

Let's just say, it wasn't a wise thing to do to try and befriend the cat. He's aggressive, skittish and confused - in other words; in the same mental state as the humans. Harm found that out the hard way when he got hissed at.

Meg and Tosh were making faces at each other for the lack of a better thing to do (would it kill you guys to help Haruo once in a little while?). She was a captain in the Navy, he was an admiral. Go figure. Hey, Making faces is all fine well and good, but remember your moms' admonishment. "Meg...you keep doing that, your face is going to freeze that way!"

Phil tried unsuccessfully to woo Sarah Mackenzie. Yeah...she's the only one that thinks she's normal (and everyone else around her is two fries short of a Happy Meal); think being the operative word here.

After discussing the topic of facial contortions and their uses with Meg, Tosh went to talk to Jennifer, but it seemed as though Jen was rather distracted by Harm who appeared to be engaged in an enthusiastic argument with himself. Well, what ever floats your boat.

Jack Keeter was pretty much lost within the thousand yard stare. Guess he's seen too much, especially after setting down his Wobbly Goblin down in Iraq and Harm and Mac having to save his bacon from Saddam's Happy Tree Friends (referring to the AK-47s with wood-stocks that the Republican Guard carried around - usually to give US Prisoners of War a love-tap across the back of the head). Yes, Poor Keeter had seen too much.

Phil tried to inject unwanted non-sequitur opinions into a conversation between Meg and Mac. Needless to say, it was received with Meg looking at Phil as if he was a particularly repulsive bug that needed to be squashed; preferably with a steam-roller.

And Haruo just did his best...

...to try and ignore everyone around him. Maybe some s'mores might brighten his mood. Maybe that and a Pepsi-Cola.

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