Tuesday 2 April 2024

Happily Insane in Hylewood - Introduction

Happy in Hylewood (since the Watcher is going absolutely nuts with the building of his "modern" house in the Legacy.

Narrator: Nikkei_Simmer’s mind has just taken a long walk off the map.

With so much to do (building a house; creating 10 security guard sims, etc etc etc...) before he can continue with his legacy, he’s going to stick his sims on Hylewood and let them fend for themselves.

Also his alter-ego or his id (in terms of Freudian psychology) has come out to play… for those of you who are coming back to the Sims 3 side of the forums and haven't run into my more deranged characters, in the form of Evil_Haruo. Evil_Haruo comes out to play whenever the Watcher likes to cause chaos in his game...Keep in mind that Evil_Haruo doesn’t like anyone and is probably plotting all of his fellow Sims' demises, rubbing his hands in glee at the chaos he is going to cause...and cackling.

Meanwhile, the rest of the Sims, Good_Haruo, River and Bebe have all gone out to the beach to fish for their dinner.

Who knows what Evil_Haruo is going to do for dinner if he doesn’t get his hind end out to the pier or someplace and fish for his dinner. Otherwise he’s going to go hungry and that’s not going to make Evil_Haruo a happy camper. In fact he may even go about stealing a fish from his fellow Sims in order to get something into his stomach.

Or maybe not, he decided that he was going to go fish (and not the card game either).

With this particular game, the Watcher is going to add in a Sim every day for a week, he has started with four sims. Good_Haruo, Evil_Haruo, and he will have 11 by the time he is finished adding Sims to his game. With the Watcher...that will be 12 sims in total.

The Watcher is just going to sit and observe the chaos and hope to heck he doesn't go completely bug-cranking nuts.

The Watcher decided he was going to go pick flowers. At least it was something to do and he wasn't much of a fisherman anyways. At least he didn't get hayfever, unlike the real Watcher. Those flowers always make him sneeze.

Evil_Haruo was hanging out by the water wheel...fishing. He really wasn't too good at it. He'd only caught two goldfish and a toad. Toads were not great for eating. And there was no elixir consignment shop. Which meant he had to keep that noisy croaking thing in his pocket. Man, his pocket was going to start stinking up the joint.

River was having much better luck at the fishing. She had four minnows, a rainbow trout and four toads

Bebe on the other hand had been fishing for some time now and she had amassed only two minnows, a rainbow trout and a toad.

Surprisingly, Haruo, the angler of the group, hadn't caught much other than a sea-sludge and an anchovy. The sea-sludge isn't edible as far as the Watcher knows.

And the Watcher thinks that fishing is boring anyways. A bunch of tossing hooks in the water and hoping that something finny is stupid enough to bite...and get caught. But that's probably because he hasn't managed to hook anything yet. Maybe it might be more exciting if he actually managed to catch something. But anyways, he did make over §8500.00 today just from picking flowers. At least that ought to get him enough to buy a fish off his sims to eat.

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