with apologies to Donald Bellisario
DISCLAIMER: The characters Harm Rabb, Jr., Sarah "Mac" Mackenzie, Meg Austin, AJ Chegwidden, Bud Roberts, Harriet Sims-Roberts et al. belong (in concept if not name) to CBS/Bellisarius. Animal and all OC characters are the property of Heather and Hugo Chikamori. No profit is being made from this story, nor is any infringement intended.
Chapter Six - Flaming Food
Of course, Haruo had to be the one that did the cooking since no-one else could be bothered; evidently pillowfighting took greater priority than the risk of starving to death. If there is one thing in real life, Haruo should not be let near a stove. @Featherbelle doesn't. Well, let's just say that the game-Haruo shouldn't be allowed near a stove either. Confounded Simmer-Chars.

If creating an incendiary conflagration wasn't bad enough, Haruo threw up his hands in frustration and went off to eat something on his own by the firepit. If anyone wanted to eat, they would have to cook it themselves.

Mac had no better things to do in the morning, after being up half the night, than to scare Harm half to death by shouting "INCOMING!!!" at the top of her lungs. Harm nearly put his head through the counter thinking that there was going to be a 81mm HE round impacting close to his position. Yeah, Mac, nice one. He's going to remember that and Marine or no Marine, you're in trouble.

Meanwhile, it appeared as though Tosh was engaged in a great flirting session with Kimber, but of course, Mac had to come break that one up as well. She basically insulted his manliness and made fun of his t-shirt saying that Marine Air was much better at CAS (close air support) than Navy fighters. Needless to say, Tosh was pretty insulted. You don't insult a four-time MiG Killer (a couple Sukhois were mixed in too). Meg tried to mollify him, but Tosh was still pretty steamed. Aw, Meg, she's always trying to be the peacemaker.

Of course, Lia had to show Tosh a video that nearly made him upchuck what he'd eaten last night.

When Haruo had finally managed to coax Phil away from insulting the toilet, he settled down to trying to make a second attempt at creating some food. After all, if someone didn't cook, they'd all starve.

After which he called everyone to in to eat so that they wouldn't all starve to death; cleaned out the toilet, washed his hands and then went to eat by the firepit, which surprisingly was still on.

Well, at least, even if they couldn't be bothered to eat properly or make food for themselves, at least someone had the functioning brain-cells to keep the firepit lit. At least they wouldn't freeze to death...at least until winter.
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