Tuesday 2 April 2024

Chapter Two - Gemstones, Trash Pandas and Meteors

My stomach evidently settled down long enough that I could actually get up in the wee hours of Tuesday morning. Let's face it, it was pretty horrific - most of the time being spent in the washroom bent over the ceramic throne. Don't eat over-cooked food; just like undercooked food, it'll do a number on your innards.

When I got up, it was still dark, so I cut some gemstones with our Gem-U-Cut Gemstone maker. Right now I could only do the Emerald cut, so...it was pretty much the only cut that I could sell at the moment. Whatever, it'll do. Polished up and made to shine, the gem-stone would probably bring in roughly about what it's estimated carats is concerned. Some of these things were freakin' humungous. And well, that's good. It meant that I would be able to build our house pretty soon. I don't want to be outdoors when fall hits, because from what I could tell, Moonlight Falls is near the mountains and it's going to get cold pretty quickly and Samson and I don't want to freeze.

Of course, I figured I'd better get the jump on the day and since Aleister's seemed to be open twenty-four/seven, I figured, I might as well chuck in a couple more gemstones and precious metals to consign. Evidently when I put in the true cost of gemstones and precious metals, the guys from out of town still buy it up. That's pretty darned good for the pocket book if I may say so. And it allows me to keep the property that I currently have. If these stones and metals sell for what I think they will, I'm sure that there'll be enough to start building on the property.

There are wolf-howls around that keep me on edge and I'm glad that I have Samson around. I think I may bring in another dog; same breed because at least then, there'd be two dogs instead of one and maybe Samson will feel a bit more protected because those werewolves will be less likely to attack two or more dogs on the property.

While I was at the elixir shop, I decided that I'd also harvest the honey. What I may do, is buy a property and stick about eight hives on it and then harvest that honey as well. Of course the bees were in a good mood. I don't know what it is about leaving hives on one's own property. If you do, they end up ornery as all get-out and chances are nine times out of ten, that you'll get attacked. That's probably not the best way to start out a day, but at least when I harvested the honey over at Aleister's, the bees didn't attack me.

Needless to say, once I got back from the elixir shop, I went out and did some fishing. You never know when you're going to see wildlife that you haven't had an opportunity to see. Evidently a white-tail decided to venture onto the property. Samson didn't pay him any mind at all. While fishing, I ended up looking up to see a cloud of rainbow light playing about my head. Well, it certainly wasn't aliens, because there was no UFO to be seen anywhere. You know, I've been lucky enough to not have to worry about strange lights in the night and the possibility of getting abducted and probed in places unmentionable. Let's just say I know people who have had that experience. Let's just say they're still trying to get over that experience. In any case, the strange misty cloud of colors pretty much told me that a unicorn was nearby.

A unicorn you say. Well, siddown. A unicorn is a horse with a horn sticking out its forehead. You really don't want to get them in a bad mood. They've been known to light you or the surrounding area on fire or if he/she is in a really bad mood, they can probably eviscerate you with that horn of theirs. I'm not going to take that chance.

Well, I managed to get a lot of stuff done, even though it was only from two in the morning. But I knew that there were a lot more things needing to be done.

After eating breakfast I cleaned the dishes. Nothing like leaving a whole bunch of dishes lying around to attract flies. Suffice it to say, it was annoying as anything to have an air-force's worth of flies hanging around the dining room table.

Morning came soon enough...I decided to hop on my bike as soon as the first light of dawn was visible. I had to go get some groceries to put in the fridge so that if I needed to cook, I could do so.

I knew I also had to get some more books: namely recipes and skill books. I didn't want to exhaust my finances because I didn't have all that much, however, the books were necessary if I wanted to advance in the necessary skills for survival, namely cooking (keeping fed was a good plan if I wanted to not starve to death), and gardening (that was a must because if I could grow vegetables and other things, I certainly would have my own supply of food). I also wanted to vary up my recipes a bit. After all, you can only eat Goopy Carbonara for so long before you want to projectile-vomit - yes, there is such a problem as too much of a good thing.

On the way home, I stopped by Aleister's again and dropped off a few gemstones that I hoped would add to the amount of simoleons I had in the bank. At least then I'd be able to have enough to start building a decent home. And well...I'd made a start with a three room home (a bathroom, a bedroom and a living area/kitchen. It was good enough. Hopefully around 5PM, I'd be getting an influx of simoleons if the gemstones sold, maybe it would be enough to put a second story on the house, or not...I also had landscaping that I also had to consider. At least it was something to think about on the bike ride home.

When I got home, I sat down on the couch and read a bit from my skill books that I'd bought at the book-store. Yeah, it was quiet and comfy to have a roof over my head. I'm sure that Samson appreciated it too.

...at least it was until that trash-panda came nosing around.

Evidently he or she was eyeing the garbage can and well, my garbage can was outside and ready for pickup for the next day. But of course, Mr. Raccoon decided that he was going to make a flying tackle. And well, you can imagine the noise. Yeah...when the garbage can hit the ground, it sounded like someone tripped over a stand of cymbals - along with the self-congratulatory chittering that raccoon made.

Well, that noise interrupted my reading that I was trying to get done. And of course Rabies Raccon decided to paw through the junk he'd scattered all over my neat front lawn. Thanks a lot, you ring-tailed rascal. And of course the little trash-panda had a smug look on its face when it was done making a goddawful mess.

Yeah...guess who got to clean up that mess?

Decided to go fishing at the ol'fishin' hole. Wasn't too successful and well, sure enough, along comes a paparazzi - since when did I make a one-star celebrity? Now I have those blasted stalkers with a shutter following me around. Well, evidently this guy was pretty unlucky because it was his day to get his hind end roasted by a bolt from the blue. Of course he then turned into a werewolf - guess the electrical shock jolted his transforming and sent it whacko. When the heck did weres go after paparazzi and turn them? Yeah, just my luck, he staggers off and my body decides to do a black-out from fright. Luckily I didn't give myself a concussion.

Eventful day aside; the day got capped off by a meteor strike. Samson was the one to see it. I was wondering why it suddenly got dark outside - outside of the fact that it was late evening and sunset was just around the corner. Well, the subsequent explosion in the empty lot next door pretty much told the tale. And of course there were sims in the way as usual. But luckily none of them got killed - idjits; do you have to stand there gawping at the sky when you know there's a meteor up there headed in your direction?

Yeah, it just so happened that one of them was Aubrite. And well...if I'd sent it off to get cashed in, I'd probably end up breaking the bank, so I figured, I'll get a storage chest when I have the spare cash to and dump all my extraordinarily valuable jewels and space rocks. I decided to sit down and enjoy my evening before turning in for the night.

Certainly ended up with a lot of space-rocks. And for the moment, life is good.

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